Ruth's Know What?

June 26, 2008

Didn’t know I already had some RSS feeds

Filed under: Library 2.Oakton — Ruth's Know What? @ 7:42 pm
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Lat year when I set up the “My Oakton” page that I use as a portal for my calendar and email, I set up some connections to NPR stories, a word of the day and one or two other information sources.  The choices were limited but there was a nice variety of sources.  I always do a quick check of the news stories and word of the day when I check my email.  I knew I had the links but never really thought about the name of  the product.  I think I already had RSS feeds.

Setting up subscriptions in my Google Reader account was easy.  I’m glad to have consolidated access to all of the library blogs.  It will be much easier to see what comments have been posted recently by having all of the blogs feed into one folder.  Actually adding each staff member’s url wasn’t difficult, but it was time consuming to do each blog, one at a time.  I know that it’s possible to export/import feeds from other aggregators, did I miss a transfer technique that would let me transfer all of the library blogs to my Google Reader account in one step?

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